Where do you need more knowledge?, Where in your life are you feeling boxed in or unfulfilled? What does not feel effortless?

Do you want to get rid of the soul-killing clutter holding you back, keeping you stuck and restricting you from living a more abundant and purposeful life? Are you ready to lead your life or are you accepting whatever comes your way?

Does it seem like you constantly struggle to express your extraordinary gifts and maintain unwavering continuity in pursuing your life goals?

Are you eager to build capacity for your big dreams and pursue excellence beyond mediocrity? Or are you seeking to discover, rediscover and express yourself with true authenticity?

It might seem like these experiences are unusual, but they are only signs of shifting seasons and a call to become an extraordinary version of yourself.

It’s time to Uncover your Purposeful Potential

Your purpose is right within your grasp, calling you into manifestation and waiting for you to release the potential within you.

If you’ve felt uncomfortable, uncertain or unsettled by the weighty might of your life’s vision because you cannot see yourself in that vision, then it’s time to build your life around that vision.

You may have convinced yourself that you will figure it out somehow, someday, sometime in the future but your mind keeps racing and you can’t help but resent your current circumstances and think about how much time is passing by.

It’s time to recentre yourself, build the life that God uniquely designed for you and take decisive steps towards your purpose.


Gaining greater capacity to acquire new wisdom, navigate your life’s season and release your purposeful potential requires getting rid of those things that are weighing you down and distracting you from your life’s purpose.

So, you must identify those things that obstruct your pathway to fulfilling destiny because sometimes, what keeps you from daring to BE, DO and LIVE better is a lack of enlightened awareness.

…and if you must become aware,

If you are eager to take charge of your life, embrace your journey to fulfilling purpose and make destiny-altering decisions that resonate with the extraordinary person you’re becoming,…

The Reflect & Reset Intensive is your gold mine

It’s your chance to engage in a transformative personal retreat experience which delivers deep insights and practical wisdom that will empower you to lean into what is original to you, gain clarity to navigate your current season and make empowered decisions to uncover your purposeful potential

No matter where you are in your current season, whether you’re still figuring things out, you have recorded significant levels of success but no longer feel aligned with them, you have been in a constant learning season, or are looking for a personal retreat experience as you begin a new season, you will learn proven wisdom to turn your life around.

An experience with a useful companion: your personal journal

This intensive seamlessly integrates a self-paced mindset reengineering curriculum and a uniquely crafted physical journal to guide you through your retreat.

It not only helps you process your thoughts, but also empowers you to reflect on each area of your life and then create and write down actionable steps that align with your new-found insights.

Believe it or not, that’s not even the major highlight…

After this personal retreat, you will move from uncertain to full of clarity, become equipped with your own unique personal growth plan, embrace your purposeful potential and finally begin to see yourself in God’s blueprint for your life.

Here are some power sessions to look forward to:

Building Capacity to Become

Get Unstuck: The Code for Living with Intention

From Intimacy to Growth & Transformation

Cultivating Personal growth: Nurturing your Purposeful Potential

This isn’t everyone’s “cup of tea” but it’s for you if you …

You may have questions, here are some answers…

This varies from person to person and usually depends on your individual circumstances and goals. Many people find value in scheduling regular retreats at specific intervals during the year (e.g quarterly)

However, some common occasions and considerations for planning a personal retreat include:

  • Significant life transitions, Career shifts, Milestone achievements and Birthdays.
  • When you’re feeling overwhelmed or burned out, a personal retreat can help you recharge and regain perspective.
  • Following a difficult or challenging period in your life.
  • When you’re seeking personal transformation and want to clarify your next steps.

As soon as you make payment, you will receive automatic access to the learning platform. However, your journal will be delivered to you within 1 week of purchase (within Nigeria) and 2 weeks (outside Nigeria). 

Absolutely! The Reflect & Reset Intensive is designed to be accessible to individuals from anywhere in the world. It is an entirely remote, reflective experience.

The self-paced curicullum includes power sessions for mental transformation and specific lessons that dive deep into each of the 8 categories on the PAIL wheel of life, providing insights, strategies and practical knowledge for personal growth in the different areas of life. After each session, you will be able to create and implement actionable steps towards your most purposeful life.

The duration of the workshop may vary based on your pace within the 4-month period of your access to the course.

Yes, The journal is meant to be completed at your own pace. It’s also yours to keep and compare with future journals as you grow intentionally. However, for a more rewarding experience, it is advisable to complete your journal exercises as you progress through the sessions in the course curriculum.

Absolutely! The journal is a resource you can return to whenever you need a moment of reflection or when you want to track your progress overtime. It’s a tool that can continue to support your personal growth beyond the workshop.

The journal is only provided in physical format and will be delivered to the address in your payment form.

For inquiries:
Email: hellopailco@gmail.com
or DM @thereflectandreset on Instagram